Manuale Uniflam Idro rev. 00
This user’s manual has been edited by the manufacturer and has to be seen as part of the stove.
The information it contains has to be consulted by not technically qualified persons as well as by
technical service staff.
The purpose of this manual is to give all necessary information to ensure proper use and
installation of the heater.
Following the indications provided, is a guarantee of a long life and safe operation of the product as
well as a most economically use.
Drawings and diagrams have illustrative purposes. Due to the fact of continuous development and
improvement of the product, the manufacturer reserves the right to make necessary changes
without notice.
It is advisable to refer to this manual whenever it becomes necessary to work on the heater, so we
suggest you keep it close to the place of the heater where it can easily be found and accessed.
The manual is a document that belongs exclusively to CALUX Ltd and it is not allowed to be given to
third parties without a written permission from the company that holds the rights to it.
During planning, constructing and testing of the stoves the suggested criteria of the following
norms have been adopted: UNI EN 13240 (
Room-heaters Fired By Solid Fuel - Requirements
And Test Methods
), UNI 9841 (wood burning heaters with forced fluid circulation - Requirements
and testing), UNI 10 412 (hot-water heating - safety requirements), UNI 10683 (wood-burning heat
generators - installation requirements) and the Ministerial Decree of 01/12/1975 (containers of hot
fluids under pressure) and subsequent updates.
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any damage caused to persons or property due to
the not respecting of the simple rules of installation and use, described in this manual.
If a technical intervention at the heater is necessary, the water entrance has to be closed and the stove has
to be disconnected from the electricity line. It may also be necessary to discharge the water from the stove.
It is necessary to test the product for a few days after the first start to make sure that the installation has
been done correctly.
In pursuit of continuous improvement of its products and customer satisfaction, CALUX reserves the right
to make any necessary changes without prior notice to raise the quality of their products.