Pre-Delivery Checklist
Most cities and counties require permits for
exterior construction and electrical circuits.
In addition, some communities have codes
requiring residential barriers such as fencing
and/or self-closing gates on property to prevent
unsupervised access to the property by children.
Your dealer can provide information on which
permits may be required and how to obtain them
prior to the delivery of the Chill Spa.
Safety First
Do not place your spa within 10 feet (3m)
of overhead power lines. TThhee CChhiillll SSppaa
rreeqquuiirreess pprrooppeerr vveennttiillaattiioonn ffoorr ccoooolliinngg
eeffffiicciieennccyy,, ffaaiilluurree ttoo ddoo ssoo w
wiillll lleeaadd ttoo
rraaiisseedd aam
mbbiieenntt aaiirr tteem
mppeerraattuurreess nneeaarr tthhee
TThhee CChhiillll SSppaa iiss ddeessiiggnneedd ffoorr
oouuttddoooorr uussee oonnllyy..
Plan for Your Environment
If you live in a region where it snows in the winter
or rains frequently, place the spa near a house
entry. By doing this, you will have a place to
change clothes and not be uncomfortable.
Consider Your Privacy
In a cold-weather climate, bare trees won't
provide much privacy. Think of your spa's
surroundings during all seasons to determine
your best privacy options. Consider the view
of your neighbors as well when you plan the
location of your Chill Spa.
Before Delivery
Plan your delivery route
Choose a suitable location for the
Lay a 3-
inches concrete slab
Install dedicated electric supply
Place spa on Slab
Connect electrical components
Provide a View with Your Chill Spa
Think about the direction you will be facing
when sitting in your spa. Do you have a special
landscaped area in your hard that you find
enjoyable? Perhaps there is an area that catches a
soothing breeze during the day or a lovely sunset
in the evening.
Keep Your Chill Spa Clean
In planning your spa's location, consider a
location where the path to and from the house
can be kept clean and free of debris.
Prevent dirt and contaminants from being tracked
into your Chill Spa by placing a foot mat at the
spa's entrance where the bathers can clean their
feet before entering your spa.
Allow for Service Access
Make sure the Chill Spa is positioned so that
access to the equipment compartment and all
side panels will not be blocked. Providing 3 feet
of clearance on each side.
Many people choose to install a decorative
structure around their spa. If you are installing
your Chill Spa with any type of structure on the
outside, such as a gazebo, remember to allow
access for service. It is always best to design
special installations so that the spa can still be
moved, or lifted off the ground.
The Chill Spa requires a 3-4 inch cement slab as a
foundation to the support the unit. The cement
foundation must be level.
Foundations not built within this specification
can cause cracking, damage to the spa shell and
frame, and cause issues with the pumps and
cooling system.