PGUI / PGUI32 Training Manual
3.4 Command Menu
The command menu contains all the menus available for the PGUI program. From these menu’s,
you can access all other screens in the PGUI. We will cover the individual menus and their purpose in
the next chapter. For now, suffice it to say you will be using these menu’s frequently.
3.5 Toolbar
A Toolbar is a set of iconized short cuts that allow you to access sub menu’s with a single mouse
click. As you get more familiar with operating the PGUI, you may rely on the Toolbar more and more
as it gets you to the right screen faster. Each Toolbar button has a yellow tooltip that will popup when
you leave the cursor on an icon for more than a second. This tooltip indicates the function of the
Toolbar button your mouse is on.
3.6 Next
This concludes this brief tour of the Main window. Note that this window mainly serves to control
the steady state output of the AC source. In the next chapter we will start exploring some of the
available menus that access more advanced features of the AC source.