Settings > Network > Email
Section dedicated to set-up of the parameters required to send emails.
The page is divided into
Mail server settings
SMTP Hostname
: enter the address of the SMTP server you wish to use
SMTP port
: set the SMTP server communication port.
SMTP Username
: enter the username for SMTP server access
SMTP password
: enter the username for SMTP server access
Email Sender
: enter an email address to define the sender
Email recipient n.1
: enter recipient email addresses. Press to add a recipient.
Do not enter more than 4 recipients.
to save the configuration. Press
to check correct operation with the entered parameters
Mail communication management
Enable alarms notification by email
: enables notification by email of the alarms
present on the plant, as acquired by the DATA EASY device. The system will also
manage automatic signalling of
Communication Error
alarms if one or more of the
field devices fails to answer the interrogation correctly. Recovery from the error
will be confirmed by sending an ‘alarm ended’ email. All notifications can always
be consulted in the section
System Status → Events Log
Number of alarms awaiting notification
: shows the number of alarms awaiting
notification. Press the pending notifications
button to delete alarms that
have yet to be notified and check the network and email management
configuration settings
Settings > Network > DynDNS
Do not edit the parameters entered in this section