Bag 7
Center Shock
Bag 6B
Battery Top Deck
1 - Attach the completed Battery Top Deck to the Main Chassis
by tightening four 4-40 x 1/4” red BH screws [22] to the red hex
Build the center shock per the instructions included in Bag 7.
Once the shock is built, refer to the diagram below.
1 - Remove the screw, nut, and 2 washers from the shock mount, that we had temporarily bolted
on earlier.
2 - Slide the screw through one of the graphite plates, and place one of the washers over the
screw. Now insert the screw through the shock ball. Insert the second washer between the shock
and the second graphite plate, and push the screw the rest of the way through the second plate.
Tighten the assembly with the red locknut.
3 - Using pliers, gently squeeze the plastic rod end over the ball stud on the rear top plate. Do not
force the rod end over the ball by pushing down on it or you could damage the top plate.