PN 13402391 D | User Manual 3 - ENG
EMS 20
• Mode of Operation: Continuous Flow
• Type of Protection Against Electrical Shock: Internally Powered Equipment
Equipment not suitable for use in the presence of flammable mixtures
Product Specifications
EMS 20
LOX Capacity
21.0 L 50.7 lb (23 kg)
Gaseous Equivalent Capacity
17,337 L
Weight, Empty
39 lb (17,96 kg)
Weight, Filled
89.7 lb (40,69 kg)
24.5 in. (622 mm)
14 in. (356 mm)
Typical use time at 2 LPM
6 days 12 hrs
Operating Pressure
20 psi (137 kPa)
Normal Evaporation Rate
1.6 lb/ day (0,73 kg/day)
Standard Flow Control Range
Off, .25, .5, .75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 LPM
Flow Rate Accuracy*
+/- 10%
* This accuracy is only at 70F and 14.7 psig and with a calibrated accurate mass flow meter.