2 - ENG PN 13402391 D | User Manual
EMS 20
Symbols Glossary
ISO 7000; Graphical symbols for use on equip-
ment—Index and synopsis
Operating temperature limitation of
these units is 10°C to 40°C. Storage
temperature limitation range is -40°C
to 70°C. Reg. # 0632
Portable humidity range is 15 to 95%.
Base humidity range is 30 to 75%.
Reg. # 2620
Keep away from rain, keep dry. Reg.
# 0626
Name and address of manufacturer.
Reg. # 3082
Caution, consult accompanying docu-
ments. Reg. # 0434A
Catalog Number. Reg. # 2493
Serial Number. Reg. # 2498
This way up. Reg. # 0623
Fragile, handle with care. Reg. #
ISO 7010: Graphical symbols—Safety colors and
safety signs—Registered safety signs
Frostbite may occur on contact with
cold liquid or gaseous oxygen, or
frosted parts. Warning low tempera-
ture. To warn of low temperature or
freezing conditions. Reg. # W010
The instruction manual must be read.
Reg. # M002
Keep away from open flame, fire,
sparks. Open ignition source and
smoking prohibited. Reg. # P003
Do not smoke near unit or while
operating unit. Reg. # P002
Warning. Reg. # W001
ADR: European Agreement concerning the Inter-
national Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
Non-toxic gas.
Hazard Oxidizing substances: fire
intensifying risk.
Refrigerated Liquid, USP; Produced
by Air Liquefaction
Internal Symbols
Keep unit well ventilated at all times
Keep away from flammable materials,
oil and grease.
Wipe connector with clean dry cloth
before filling.
IEC 60417: Graphical Symbols for use on
Do not cover unit. These units nor-
mally vent oxygen. No. 5641
21 CFR 801.15: Code of Federal Regulations
Title 21
Federal law restricts this device to
sale by or on the order of a physician.
Council Directive 2012/19/EU: waste electrical
and electronic equipment (WEEE)
This product may be covered by one or more
patents, US and international. Please visit our
website, Pat.: patents.cairemedical.com for listing
of applicable patents.