厦 门 才 茂 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
4.6 Other
4.6.1 DTU
Center Number:
The number of server.
Main Center Address & Port:
Set it to main server’s IP address and port or domain
name. If there is no static IP for server, please use domain name.
Center 1 - 4 Address & Port:
If center number is set as “1”, there is no need to
configure these parameters. Please configure them according to actual situation.
There are two mode can be chosen -- TCP and UDP.
Set which working protocol to use. The default is the DTU protocol. If the
customer needs CUSTOM registration packages, heartbeat packages, then the
CUSTOM option needs to be selected. Registration packages and heartbeat packages
are defined in the "custom registration packages" and "heartbeat package definitions"
column. This enables customization of the customer data transfer format.
Baud rate:
Please set the baud rate to match the baud rate of the user terminal.
Otherwise the serial port will be unable to communicate.
Data bit:
Please set the stop bit to match the stop bit of the user terminal. Otherwise the
serial port will be unable to communicate.
Please set the parity bit to match the parity bit of the user terminal. Otherwise
the serial port will be unable to communicate.
Stop bit:
Please set the stop bit to match the stop bit of the user terminal. Otherwise the
serial port will be unable to communicate.