厦 门 才 茂 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
Filter mode:
Client IP filtering and MAC address filtering, client can select
according to their actual need.
Client IP filtering:
Filter data according to IP address base on appointed policy to
admit or prevent corresponding IP address data.
MAC filtering:
Filter data according to MAC address base on appointed policy to
admit or prevent corresponding MAC address data.
Running Rules:
This device has two kinds running rules.
Discard matching following rule data packets:
data packets comply to following
rules are not allowed to go through, other data packets can go through.
Receiving matching
following rule data packets:
only receive data packets comply to following rule, others are
IP Filter
To realize IP address filtering rules appointing, revising and deleting.
Rule name
it is limited to use characters0-9.a-z.A-Z
also can’t repeat name.
Wireless gateway connected LAN IP address.
LAN Ports
LAN IP address host corresponding ports scope. Valid value is 0~65535,
please input from small to large.
Data packet destination IP address.
WAN Ports
Data packet destination ports scope. Valid value is 0~65535
input from small to large.
data packet protocol, here are 3 types:
ALL: All types data packet.
TCP: All TCP packet.
UDP: All UDP packet.
data packet direction, used to decide which is original address, there are 3