厦 门 才 茂 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
29 L2TP
L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) is a kind of VPDN technology, it’s specifically used
in transferring data in layer 2 tunnel. Also means it’ll encapsulate data units of layer 2(such
as PPP data) within an IP or UDP payload.
: IP address or domain of PPTP server.
Remote Subnet / Remote Mask
: Intranet information on server side.
User / Password
: LAC username and password.
: The way of PPTP to perform PPP authentication --
Pap: in this way, username and password are transmitted in clear text, the security
level of it is low.
Any: it will take one of four approaches to verify.
: Way to encrypt --
NoMppe: No encryption.
Add Default Route
: If it’s checked, then all the data passing through the router will be
sent to PPTP tunnel. Also means, all the devices connected to the router are only
allowed to access external network through PPTP tunnel.
: If it’s checked, the devices connected to the router can access PPTP server
through the tunnel. If not, then these devices only can access server via Internet.
Specify Local IP / Specify Peer IP
: If PPTP server allows it, router can specify a local
tunnel IP address.
Tunnel Check Interval / Tunnel Check Times
: After tunnel is built, in order to check