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49-2000661   Rev. 2

Save time and money! Review the charts on the following pages first and you may not need to call for service.

Troubleshooting Tips



Possible Cause

What To Do

Burners do not light

Plug on range is not completely inserted in the 
electrical outlet.

Make sure electrical plug is plugged into a live, 
properly grounded outlet.

Gas supply not connected or turned on.

See the Installation Instructions that came with 
your range.

A fuse in your home may be blown or the 
circuit breaker tripped.

Replace the fuse or reset the circuit breaker.

Burner parts not replaced correctly.

See the Care and Cleaning of the range 

Burner slots near the electrode may be 

Remove the burners and clean them. Check 
the electrode area for burned-on food or 
grease. See the Care and Cleaning of the 
range section.

Food residue on electrode

Lightly polish flat tip of electrode with nail file or 
sandpaper until shiny.

Top burners do not burn 

Improper burner assembly.

Make sure the burner caps are seated 
correctly. See the Care and Cleaning of the 
range section.

Burner slots on the side of the burner may be 

Remove the burners for cleaning. See the Care 
and Cleaning of the range section.

Burner flames are very 
large or yellow

Improper air to gas ratio.

If range is connected to Propane gas, contact 
the technician who installed your range or made 
the conversion.

Summary of Contents for CGU366

Page 1: ...Owner s Manual...

Page 2: ...obs 11 Rangetop Exterior 11 Round Inspiral and Multi Ring Burners 12 Spark Igniter and Electrodes 13 Burner Grates 13 Grease Trough 13 Griddle 13 Troubleshooting Tips 14 Limited Warranty 15 Consumer S...

Page 3: ...will too Among other things registration of your appliance ensures that we can deliver important product information and warranty details when you need them Register your Caf appliance now online Hel...

Page 4: ...prong from the plug If in doubt about the grounding of the home electrical system it is your responsibility and obligation to have an ungrounded outlet replaced with a properly grounded three prong o...

Page 5: ...Potentially hot surfaces include the burners grates high shelf surface R QRW KHDW XQRSHQHG IRRG FRQWDLQHUV 3UHVVXUH could build up and the container could burst causing an injury RRN IRRG WKRURXJKO W...

Page 6: ...e 7R PLQLPL H WKH SRVVLELOLW RI EXUQV LJQLWLRQ RI flammable materials and spillage the handle of a container should be turned toward the center of the range without extending over nearby burners R QRW...

Page 7: ...Feature Index Page 1 Griddle Grease Trough on some models 6 2 Griddle on some models 10 3 Cooktop Burner Grates 13 4 Burner Location Indicator 6 5 Burner Control Knob 7 11 Optional Accessories Page 1...

Page 8: ...nue as long as the knob remains at LITE Once gas is ignited turn the knob to adjust the flame size Automatic Reignition The burners on this range will automatically relight if the flame goes out Using...

Page 9: ...Round Burner 8VH WKLV EXUQHU IRU JHQHUDO FRRNLQJ purposes Size cookware appropriately to the flames Multi ring Burner 8VH WKLV EXUQHU IRU ODUJH FRRNZDUH RU IRU simmering applications Inspiral Burner...

Page 10: ...R W SHV RI JODVV FRRNZDUH WKRVH IRU RYHQ use only and those for top of range cooking saucepans coffee and teapots Glass conducts heat very slowly Heatproof Glass Ceramic Can be used for either surface...

Page 11: ...ot soapy water before first use and after subsequent uses The griddle surface is made of durable highly polished Type 304 stainless steel backed by an aluminum plate for even heat distribution Apply a...

Page 12: ...or it will damage lighting electronics H VXUH HOHFWULFDO SRZHU LV R DQG DOO VXUIDFHV DUH FRRO EHIRUH FOHDQLQJ DQ SDUW RI WKH UDQJH Front Control Panel Flat Side Flat Side OFF OFF Burner Knobs RANGETOP...

Page 13: ...eplace the burner parts for Multi Ring Align the burner head as shown Pass the igniter through the opening in the burner head while ensuring the ignitor arrow is pointing toward the ignitor Make sure...

Page 14: ...cookware to absorb the heat For stability the frames have rubber pads on each corner During cleaning and use be careful not to damage or snag rubber pads GREASE TROUGH on some models Grease from the...

Page 15: ...correctly See the Care and Cleaning of the range section Burner slots near the electrode may be clogged Remove the burners and clean them Check the electrode area for burned on food or grease See the...

Page 16: ...IES Your sole and exclusive remedy is product repair as provided in this Limited Warranty Any implied warranties including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose...

Page 17: on line anytime CAF Service will still be there after your warranty expires Q WKH 86 cafeappliances com extended warranty Q DQDGD cafeappliances ca extended warranty Remote Connectivity For assista...

Page 18: ...6 CGU486 Table des mati res Consignes de s curit 3 Utilisation de la table de cuisson Fonctions 6 Br leurs de surface 7 R cipients pour la cuisson en surface 9 Cuisiner au wok 9 Plaque chauffante 10 E...

Page 19: ...rappelons que l enregistrement de votre lectrom nager vous assure la communication de renseignements importants sur le produit et la garantie lorsque vous en avez besoin Enregistrez votre lectrom nag...

Page 20: ...icien en r paration qualifi s Ne tentez pas de r parer ou de remplacer une pi ce de cette cuisini re moins que cela soit sp cifiquement recommand dans ce manuel 9RWUH FXLVLQLqUH HVW H SpGLpH GH O XVLQ...

Page 21: ...HQDQWV G DOLPHQWV QRQ RXYHUWV L augmentation de la pression peut faire clater le contenant et causer des blessures XLVH OHV DOLPHQWV j IRQG SRXU YRXV SUpPXQLU FRQWUH OHV maladies d origine alimentaire...

Page 22: ...qui basculent facilement R glez les flammes du br leur de fa on qu elles ne d passent pas le fond de la casserole Des flammes trop intenses pr sentent un risque 8WLOLVH WRXMRXUV OD SRVLWLRQ 7 DOOXPDJ...

Page 23: ...A CUISINI RE Fonctions Accessoires en option Page 1 Couvercles de plaque et de grill 6 Index des fonctionnalit s Page 1 qFKHIULWH GH JULOO HW GH SODTXH FKDX DQWH VXU FHUWDLQV PRGqOHV 6 2 3ODTXH FKDX D...

Page 24: ...leur Lorsqu un EU OHXU HVW WRXUQp j 7 tous les br leurs vont produire une tincelle La production d tincelles se poursuivra aussi longtemps que le bouton se VLWXHUD j 7 8QH IRLV OH JD allum tournez le...

Page 25: leur des fins de cuisson g n rales Choisissez des r cipients de cuisson qui correspondent aux flammes Br leur plusieurs anneaux Utilisez ce br leur pour les grands r cipients ou les plats mijoter B...

Page 26: ...asseroles avec des couvercles tanches lorsque vous cuisez avec une quantit d eau minimale Acier inoxydable Seul ce m tal ne comporte pas de propri t s calorifiques int ressantes et il est g n ralement...


Page 28: ...mentation lectrique est coup e OFF et que toutes les surfaces sont refroidies avant de nettoyer une partie quelconque de la cuisini re Avant Panneau de commande C t plat C t plat OFF OFF Boutons de br...

Page 29: ...exc s d eau et s chez soigneusement Pour replacer les pi ces d un br leur plusieurs anneaux OLJQH OD WrWH GH EU OHXU FRPPH LOOXVWUp DLWHV SDVVHU O DOOXPHXU j WUDYHUV O RXYHUWXUH GDQV OD WrWH GX EU OHX...

Page 30: ...the frames have rubber pads on each corner During cleaning and use be careful not to damage or snag rubber pads L CHEFRITE sur certains mod les La graisse de la plaque chauffante et du grill se vider...

Page 31: ...nch Remplacez le fusible ou r enclenchez le disjoncteur Les fentes du br leur pr s de l lectrode sont SHXW rWUH REVWUXpHV Retirez les br leurs et nettoyez les V rifiez la zone de l lectrode l aff t d...

Page 32: ...l appareil DSSDUHLO Q HVW SDV DFFHVVLEOH SRXU IRXUQLU OH VHUYLFH UHTXLV EXCLUSION DES GARANTIES IMPLICITES Votre seul et unique recours est la r paration du produit selon les dispositions de la pr se...

Page 33: ...temps Les services CAF seront toujours disponibles apr s l expiration de la garantie Aux tats Unis cafeappliances com extended warranty Au Canada Electromenagersge ca fr soutien achat d une garantie p...

Page 34: ...cina 11 Quemadores Redondos Espiralados y con M ltiples Anillos 12 Encendedor por Chispa y Electrodos 13 Rejillas del Quemador 13 Canaletas para Grasa 14 Plancha 14 Consejos para la Soluci n de Proble...

Page 35: ...gistro de su electrodom stico asegura que podamos entregarle informaci n importante del producto y detalles de la garant a cuando los necesite Registre su electrodom stico Caf ahora a trav s de Intern...

Page 36: ...OTXLHU DMXVWH WUDEDMR GH VHUYLFLR WpFQLFR GHEHUi ser realizado nicamente por instaladores calificados de cocinas a gas o t cnicos del servicio No intente reparar o reemplazar ninguna parte de la cocin...

Page 37: ...superficie de estante alto 1R FDOLHQWH HQYDVHV GH FRPLGD TXH QR KD DQ VLGR abiertos Se podr a acumular presi n y el envase podr a explotar ocasionando una lesi n RFLQH OD FRPLGD FRPSOHWDPHQWH SDUD HY...

Page 38: ...incidan con el tama o del quemador Las llamas del quemador se deber n ajustar de modo que no VH H WLHQGDQ PiV DOOi GH OD SDUWH LQIHULRU GH OD ROOD 8QD cantidad excesiva de llama puede representar un r...

Page 39: ...Tapas de la parrilla y de la plancha 6 Utilizando la Rango UTILIZANDO LA RANGO Funciones ndice de funciones P gina 1 Canaleta para grasa de la parrilla y plancha en algunos modelos 6 2 Plancha en alg...

Page 40: ...s gire la perilla para ajustar el tama o de la llama Reencendido Autom tico en algunos modelos Los quemadores de esta cocina se volver n a iluminar autom ticamente si la llama se apaga Uso de los Quem...

Page 41: ...rior y otro exterior de llamas Para utensilios grandes active todos ORV DQLOORV FRQILJXUDQGR HO TXHPDGRU HQWUH L OWR 0HG Medio Para utensilios peque os o aplicaciones con poco calor s lo active los an...

Page 42: ...malmente se combina con cobre aluminio u otros materiales para una mejor distribuci n del calor Los sartenes con combinaci n de metales normalmente funcionan de forma satisfactoria si se usan con calo...


Page 44: ...onentes electr nicos de la iluminaci n VHJ UHVH GH TXH OD FRUULHQWH HOpFWULFD HVWp DSDJDGD TXH WRGDV ODV VXSHU FLHV HVWpQ IUtDV DQWHV GH OLPSLDU FXDOTXLHU SDUWH GH OD cocina Frente Panel de Control La...

Page 45: ...abertura de la cabeza del quemador mientras se asegura de que la flecha del encendedor est apuntando hacia el encendedor Aseg rese de que el quemador est apoyado de forma plana Instale las tapas de lo...

Page 46: ...ara estabilidad los armazones cuentan con almohadillas de goma en cada esquina Durante la limpieza y el uso tenga cuidado de no da ar o enganchar las almohadillas de goma CANALETAS PARA GRASA en algun...

Page 47: ...n Cuidado y limpieza de la cocina Es posible que las hendiduras de los quemadores o el puerto del encendedor redondo en el quemador oval est n atascados Retire los quemadores o limpie los mismos Cont...

Page 48: ...iones de Instalaci n incluidas con el producto 3URGXFWR QR DFFHVLEOH SDUD SUHVWDU HO VHUYLFLR WpFQLFR solicitado EXCLUSI N DE GARANT AS IMPL CITAS Su nica y exclusiva alternativa es la reparaci n del...

Page 49: ...uentos especiales que est n disponibles mientras su garant a a n est vigente La puede adquirir en cualquier momento a trav s de Internet Los servicios de Caf a n estar n all cuando su JDUDQWtD FDGXTXH...
