Operator's Manual - Micro-Travellers
Page 13 of 68
Cadman Power Equipment ▪ BOX 100, Courtland, Ontario, Canada N0J-1E0 ▪ Phone: 519-688-2222 ▪ Fax: 519-688-2100 ▪ www.cadmanpower.com
Step 3
To allow for better coverage, park the reel 5 ft. (1.5 m) minimum from the beginning
of the section to be irrigated.
Keep the machine on firm and level ground.
Figure 11 - Work on Firm and Level Ground
(image exaggerated)
Step 4
Disconnect your machine from the towing vehicle. (If applicable)
Step 5
Ensure the ground where the machine is set-up is soft enough for the stabilizer feet
to penetrate the surface. The machine maybe required to use flat side of the stabilizer
feet and tie down anchoring hole if the ground is too hard to penetrate with the pointed
side of the stabilizer feet.
Figure 12 - Engage Stabilizer Feet
img-00745 & img-0746