P a g e
If you choose to build over the plans, layout the wing plans on a building board, covering
them with a non-stick plastic such as cling wrap. Locate and lay out the needed parts
where you can reach them, but leave room for you to work. Orient them as nearly as
possible to the way that they to be are installed.
Begin by gluing the mid bottom pine spar to the bottom edge of the mid sheer webbing.
Pin it against a straight edge to ensure alignment.
Pin the scalloped mid trailing edge to the building board.
Insert R11 and R17 onto the trailing edge and the spar sheer web. Be certain to use the
correct (left/right) sheer web. Use a block or square to ensure that the pieces are 90° to
each other. R10 will be installed later.
Carefully pin R12 – 16 into
place. The fit is snug, but do
not force the ribs into place.
Lightly sand where necessary.
Ensure that the spar/rib
structure is pressing tightly
against the trailing edge and
that the ribs are pressed tightly
against the building surface.
Glue the ribs into place. Be
sparing with the glue, but not
Figure 28: Right Side Mid/Tip Parts
Figure 29: Mid-wing Ribs R11 & R17 Used to Space Spar and Sheer Web