1. Prior to launching, make sure your partner has been instructed on how to land your kite
2. Also, you should always determine adequate landing spots before you launch your kite.
3. Having done that, make sure that when you are heading toward shore, that your landing
location is still un-crowded and un-obstructed.
4. Never land your kite over, on top of, or near others, especially if they are downwind of you.
You should have an area clear of people, pets, power lines, trees, and other obstructions.
5. As you approach shore, keep your kite low near the water, at the edge of the power
6. Drop down (or step) off your board and body drag the final distance to shore. Do not
approach the shoreline with speed.
7. Slowly steer your kite into the wind and to your partner.
8. Your partner should be on the windward side of your kite as he/she approaches it.
9. Once the kite is nearly touching the ground, your partner should grab the kite at the middle
of the leading edge strut. He/she should grab the kite in the same location on the kite as
when it was launched.
10. Your partner SHOULD NOT grab the kite bridles or flying lines.
11. Your partner should AVOID grabbing the kite by either wing tip or the trailing edge of the
kite. Grabbing the kite by the wing tip or the trailing edge will often cause it to flip or spin;
the kite will also be hard to manage.
12. Once your partner has the kite’s leading edge, he/she should walk the kite away from the
water’s edge.
13. Your partner may either continue to hold the kite or he/she may secure the kite by turning
it over, with the struts down and the leading edge pointed into the wind, and securing it
with sand or sand bags.
14. Once on land, with your kite secured, you may wind up your lines.