9T125-24 Module Specific Information
Token Ring Security Configuration Screen Commands
Add/Delete (Toggle)
Allows you to manually add or delete stations from the security “allowed” list.
To manually add a station to the allowed list:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Stn Edit field, then press the Return key.
2. Enter the MAC Address of the station you want to add to the allowed list,
then press the Return key.
You must enter the MAC Address in XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX format.
3. Highlight the ADD/DEL command.
4. Press the Space Bar until the command toggles to display ADD.
5. Press the Return key.
The station appears in the Station Address list.
To manually delete a station from the allowed list:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Stn Edit field, then press the Return key.
2. Enter the MAC Address of the station you want to delete from the allowed
list, then press the Return key.
You must enter the MAC Address in XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX format.
3. Highlight the ADD/DEL command.
4. Press the Space Bar until the command toggles to display DEL.
5. Press the Return key.
The station is removed from the Station Address list.
Security Mode (Toggle)
Allows you to set one of three security modes for the module’s token ring.
Before you add stations manually, see the Alarm Only security mode information
on the following page.
Make sure you understand the consequences of changing security modes.