Editing the Community Names Screen
Caution: Changing the factory default Superuser Name (the Return Key)
changes the password to Local Management. Any community names
assigned Superuser Access are your passwords to Local Management.
These entries are sensitive to upper and lower case. Be sure to remember
them, and the way you typed them.
To make changes to the Community Names screen:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the appropriate Community Name
2. Enter the desired Community Name of the workstation (up to 31
3. Press Return. The Access field is highlighted.
4. Press Return until the appropriate selection appears. Pressing the
Return key sequentially toggles RO, RW, SU, and NA.
5. Using the arrow keys highlight the Traps field.
6. Press the Return key until the desired selection appears. Pressing the
Return key alternately toggles from YES and NO. YES allows the
IRM2 to send alarms to the workstation identified in the IP address
field. NO stops the IRM2 from sending alarms to the workstation.
7. Use the arrow keys to highlight a Trap IP Addr field.
8. Enter the workstation IP address into the field using dotted decimal
notation. The format for this notation is XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, with
the value of XXX ranging from 0 to 254.
9. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command at the bottom of
the screen.
10. Press Return. You return to the IRM2 DEVICE/BOARD/PORT
COUNTERS screen and the message “Modified Screen Information
Has Been Saved!” appears.
Alarm designations and access modes are now implemented for altered