The Primary Rate system
The Primary Rate system
1.1 Introduction
This manual has been written to provide users of the Primary Rate
system with all the necessary information to configure and operate the
system. This chapter provides a brief introduction to the system and it’s
components. Chapter 2 provides information on the Primary Rate
system. Chapter 3 provides detailed information on configuration and
Please refer to
Section 5
for the abbreviations found in this manual.
1.2 This is the Primary Rate System
The Primary Rate system is a Primary Rate ISDN product offering;
Each primary rate module provides up to 30 active channels (23
for USA), each of which can operate at, or be rate adapted up to
64 kbit/s for X21, V35 or V24 data access
N x 64 kbit/s services
Multiple rack and PRI card operation together with high density
access and backup applications.
The Primary Rate system is incorporated in the Fivemere SBU6C, or
SBU14C shelves; it is not available as a standalone system.
Three types of PRI module are available as follows:-