CBUPRI/E1 SBUPRI-23/30 User Manual
Publication — 80-14005000-01
Publication Notice:
This manual has been compiled and checked for accuracy. However the
information contained in this manual does not constitute a warranty of
performance. Fivemere Ltd. reserves the right to revise this publication from
time to time without notice. Fivemere Ltd. assumes no liability for losses
incurred as a result of out of date or incorrect information contained in this
Proprietary Notice:
© 1996-1999, Fivemere Ltd., all rights reserved.
This document may not in whole or part be copied, photocopied, reproduced,
translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form
without prior consent from Fivemere Ltd.
European Approval and FCC Notice:
This equipment is approved for connection to all United Kingdom
telecommunications services, including British Telecom PLC, Hull City
Council and Mercury Communications, and is subject to the conditions set
out in these instructions for use.
All users of this equipment in the USA, UK and Europe must make
themselves familiar with the statutory instructions contained in
Section 4
Pan European Approval:
Where the Pan European Approval CE Mark ‘168X’ is applied to the product;
this approval is for connection of the ISDN and X.21 interfaces within the
European Community (EC).
Where an EC country requires approval for connection of the V35 or V24
Link ports to a PTO’s Digital Leased Circuit (DLC), this approval is necessary
in that country before connection to the DLC can be permitted.
Approval in non EC countries is subject to local regulations in force, please
contact your Technical Support for information.
EMC Directive (European):
This product has been designed for use in Commercial and Light Industrial
environments and tested to relevant EMC Standards as listed in the
European O.J. All testing was carried out using screened interconnection
cables. Should the equipment be used in a different environment the user
may need to take additional EMC precautions.
Fivemere Ltd. is a subsidiary of Cabletron Systems Inc., USA.