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Troubleshooting Documentation
1. First, you want to check that the Door Controller is connected to the power supply and the Power
LED light is solid red. (skip to #4 if it is solid red)
2. If the Power LED light is not red, make sure that the Power switch is turned "ON".
3. If the Power switch is "ON" then check the wiring. If wiring is good then check the Power source to
see if it’s getting any power.
4. Check the Status LED light on the board and make sure it is GREEN, indicating there is connectivity.
(skip to #6 if the Status led light is GREEN)
5. If the Status light is NOT green. Blinking blue means it is searching for network connectivity. Solid
blue means it is connected to a network source and is now trying to connect to Swiftlane cloud. If the
solid blue light goes back to blinking blue then it means that something could be blocking
communication. You may need to contact the network provider as the internet may be down or
blocking the connection to our hardware.
Door Controller Troubleshooting Tips
Here are some steps for troubleshooting: