[email protected] | 505-657-9438
Installation Checklist
Swiftlane hardware components received
Power Supply is connected to Door Controller Unit (DCU) (refer to wiring diagrams)
Door Controller Power LED light is RED
Strike is wired properly (refer to wiring diagrams)
ETH cable from the PoE Switch is connected to the DCU
DCU Status LED light is solid GREEN
Connect ETH cable from the router to the SwiftReaderX
Be sure network connectivity and power is all working properly
Login to the workspace and assign Relay(s) - Go to Hardware > Door Controller > click “eye” icon >
assign the Access Points to the proper Relays that you had wired at the Door Controller
Check to make sure User Groups are properly assigned to the Access Points. Sites & Access
Points > click on Access Point > scroll to “Grant Access to User Group” settings and set the
proper User Groups. “Admins” are automatically set up to have access to all Access Points.
Check to make sure you have access to the Access Points to test properly. Go to User > click your
profile> Door Access > “+Add Group” if you don’t have any User Groups assigned to you.
Login to your workspace via the Swiftlane app
Refer to Swiftlane Software Provisioning (pages 21-27) steps to setup the Access Point
Test Mobile/Remote Unlock
Test Facial Recognition (if applicable)
Test Intercom Call (if applicable)
When all is completed the system is ready to go!