same jack that transmits the tone) and displays the results of the
decoding on the Remote Probe’s four LEDs. The LEDs meaning is
defined by it labeling (“1,2”, “3,6”, etc); color (Off, Green or Red) and
direction of scanning (top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top).
If the LED labeled “1,2” is ON, wire pair 1, 2 is wired.
The other LED labeling is the same in function.
If the LED lights green, the pair is OK. If the LED lights
red, there is a wire fault in that pair (most likely that the wires are
inverted i.e. pair 1,2 is wired 2,1). This is indicated on the
faceplate as “Green OK and “Red Fault.”
Direction of scan:
If the LEDs are lighting in a left-to-right
direction (from the left of the probe toward the right of the probe),
the cable pairs are wired in a straight thru pattern. If they are
lighting in the opposite direction, the pairs are wired in a
crossover configuration. This is denoted on the faceplate by the
“=” symbol for “Straight” and “X” for “Crossover.”
Shorted pairs:
If a pair is shorted across itself, it will show up as
non existent pair (LED will be OFF). If the short is across pairs it
will either light one pair red and the other green (simultaneously)
or an individual LED will alternate red and green. Summary: Any
red color indicates a wiring problem.
See the Appendix A for more information about the subject of wiring.
The Remote Probe’s “One-step process.”
CESS, this unique device traces a tone, then displays the pairs con-
figuration of the cable without requiring the substitution of another
tester or an additional walking trip to the tone generator location.