2021/07 - Version: C - Code : 34681
Avoid using water high in Iron, Copper or Manganese, etc., these metals can combine with Hydrogen Sulphide
that can be released by decomposing organic or vegetable matter.
This reaction can give rise to the deposition of metal sulphides that can cause staining.
In an event, and in accordance with the standard NF P90-308, the materials used to manufacture the slats
comprising the cover aprons were specifically designed not to have a colorimetric reaction on contact with
Hydrogen Sulphide.
The T.H. (Total Hardness) is a measure of the hardness of the water, that is the concentration of Calcium and
Magnesium in the water, it should be less than 200 ppm.
A higher T.H. will lead to the deposition of limescale on the slats, which are unpleasant to look at and could
hinder correct winding of the cover apron.
Furthermore, the user must only use water disinfection chemicals and systems compatible with the material
used to manufacture the automatic cover, and should use said in accordance with the instructions provided by
the manufacturers of the aforementioned chemicals and /or systems.
For information, the most common average dosages of disinfectant products are listed in the table below:
CHLORINE : Concentration between 0.7 and 1.2 ppm. pH between 7.0 and 7.4
Concentration between 30 and 40 ppm.
pH between 7.2 and 7.8
Concentration between 1 and 2 ppm.
pH between 7.0 and 8.0
The cover must be cleaned regularly to avoid any degradation (staining, etc.) of the cover apron slats that could
be caused by heavy particles left lying on the cover apron (dead leaves, miscellaneous detritus, metallic objects
that could rust, etc.) or by the build up of excessive dirt (limescale, translucent oils, road pollution, etc.) on the cover
The prolonged stagnation of organic or vegetable matter left lying on the cover apron could lead to the
appearance of stains of various colours that are sometimes permanent.
Deep cleaning of the cover at least twice a year, on opening and winterizing the pool, is highly recommended.
To clean the cover, use a high pressure jet of warm water and a descaling product.
Use only compatible and recommended products to clean the cover. These cleaning products should under no
circumstances be abrasive or PVC solvent based.
Any serious infraction of these basic automatic cover maintenance rules will entail the rejection of any resulting
guarantee claim.
List of bi-annual checks:
The general condition of the cover slats,
The condition of the safety straps,
The condition of the straps connecting the axle to the cover,
The condition of the safety fasteners,
Check the condition of the rollers and that they are working properly,
Make sure that the adjustment and support linkages and nuts of the brackets are correctly tightened,
Check that the wires in the electrical panels are correctly tightened.
Frequently, a pool is not used for a several months during the winter period. In the Northern Hemisphere, pools
are usually winterized between the 15th of November and the 15th of March of the following year.
While it is winterized, the pool must be protected from dirt by a “net” type winterizing cover that allows
precipitation to pass through but protects the slat cover against hail and leaves, or by the WinterClean P-F profile