1997 BVM Ltd.
6.2 ja & jb Serial Port Connections
ja and jb carry the serial port signals for Serial Channel A and Serial Channel B. jb (Serial Channel A)
is the lower connector. The layout is designed to connect directly to a standard 25-way connector as
The pinout numbering conventions are different
for the two styles of connector (see diagram).
However, the pinout is arranged to give a one to
one connection to a 25-way D-type connector
when using Insulation Displacement Connectors
(IDC) and ribbon cable.
Not all the RS232 signals defined for a 25 way
connector are supported by the BVME310. The
cable assembly should be built such that pin 1
on the 14 way connector connects to pin 1 of the
25 way. A 14 way ribbon cable is used leaving
pins 8 - 13 and 21 - 25 unconnected.