BushCADDY LSA Pilot Operating Handbook
Rev.03 5 March, 2008
Page 47 of 52
Attention: Activate Starter for a max. 20 seconds, followed by a cooling period of 1
When engine runs, adjust throttle to achieve smooth running at approximately 1000 RPM.
Deactivate Choke. Check Oil Pressure has risen within 5 seconds - if not, shut down. It is
strongly advised to close choke while cranking on first attempt. To much choke will
cause over fuelling and loss of start. It is strongly recommended to crank the engine to
obtain oil pressure following an oil change before starting.
3.3 Warming Up Period, Ground Test
Start the warming up period with the engine running at 1000 RPM. Continue at 1400
RPM depending on ambient temperature, until oil temperature reaches 15oC (59oF).
Check the two ignition circuits at 1600 RPM. Note: - RPM with only one ignition should
not drop by more than 100 RPM.
DO NOT apply full power until CHT reaches 100 oC (212oF)
DO NOT allow cylinder heads to rise above 150oC during ground running.
3.4 Take-Off
Climb with the engine at maximum continuous power. Observe Oil & Cylinder Head
Temperatures & Oil Pressure Limits must not be exceeded !
3.5 Engine Stop
In normal conditions, cooling down the engine during descent & taxiing will permit the
engine to be stopped by switching OFF the ignitions.
3.6 Engine Stop and Start During Flight
Reduce power to 1000 RPM to cool engine for 30 seconds, then to idle. Switch ignitions
OFF. Starting procedure is the same as ground starting, without choke for a warm engine
& with choke for a cold engine. Note: Engine cools quickly with propeller stopped in
flight. Choke will therefore normally be needed to restart.
T he fol lowing are tips to ensure a long life.
1. OI L
U se a non-compounded AVIAT ION oi l :-
Aero S hel l 100
Mobi l Red B and
BP Aviation Oi l 100
Use for 20-25 hour s .
Drain and replace wi th a compounded oi l :-
Aero S hel l W100
Aero S hel l 15W50 (for cooler cl imates )
Mobil Aero 100 (S AE 50)
BP Aero Oi l D100/BP Mul tigrade Aero Oi l D S AE 20 W 50
Aero S hel l W 100 Plus
T he normal running oils are detergent and ashless dispersant types . Page No: 14 Issue No: 2 2. Add
3.2 Litres (without oil cooler )
3.4 Litres (with an oil cooler )