6.8 Lights and light scenes
The individual and flexible configuration of the touch buttons allows switching all electrical
units which are integrated into the EIB or Powernet system, especially lamps. The
respective switching statuses are shown in the display either as plain text or as symbols
(e.g. an incendescent lamp).
6.8.1 Controlling
For light control, select e.g. one room
button on the start page and then the
lighting button.
Here you can switch the light on and off.
6.8.2 Calling up/modifying light scenes
Individual light atmospheres can be called up using light scenes, i.e. different lights are
automatically set to different brightness values in a given room. At the same time, e.g. the
blind or a linen is rolled down. In this way, individual lighting scenes for the most varied
situations, e.g. reading, watching TV or for presentations and demonstrations can easily
be realized.
All settings within a scene can be adapted and then saved.
Up to 32 light scenes can be realized within a project, with a total of 6 (room panel) or 20
(control panel) EIB units being controllable.