Model 2302-V001
Page 21
Brief guide
Test and offset
RS232 data
Introduction &
Description of functions
Accessories and Circuit diagram
You can test the calibration of your RESISTOMAT
micro-ohmmeter at any time by correctly
connecting standard or calibration resistances.
Suitable types which can be easily connected to the measurement terminals using the Type
2394 adapter are available in accordance with our specifications sheet 1240.
For accurate testing, a resistance providing a display of at least 10,000 should be available
for each measuring range.
If an uncertainty factor of
0.1 % is sufficient, a "1" value can be used to test two adjacent
ranges which then provide a display of 10,000 and 1,000 respectively.
The trimmer on the front panel allows general re-calibrations of the device, acting
proportionally on all measurement currents. Adjustments can thus be made here if all ranges
provide uniformly inaccurate results, or even if particularly high accuracy is required for a
certain range whereas the others are not as significant.
For any one of the following errors however, the test and offset procedure described on
pages 6-1- to 6-4 must be used:
Individual range is faulty
Error cannot be corrected with trimmer
Unstable display with connected calibration resistance
Corrections with the trimmer do not require any special training in electronics, although
the overall test and offset procedure does. If you do not want to perform this task yourself,
send the device to our company or local representative.
Normally, a readjustment is not required more than once a year. However, checks at short,
regular intervals are always advisable if the devices are used in production processes and
the accuracy of the measured values carries considerable financial impact.