Set up the Email server and configure the SMTP settings for your ARC Solo. For support of encryption
levels higher than SSLv3, ARC Solo firmware version 1.0.19 and above now supports the Burk Email
Cloud Service. The Cloud Service works in conjunction with your ARC Solo system to originate
encrypted emails using the STARTTLS protocol extension. If your current email server does not support
STARTTLS, you can open a free email account with an Internet email service provider. The Burk email
cloud service
is compatible with email services from a wide range of providers such as Gmail, mail.com, GMX and
Zoho. It is suggested that you create an email account dedicated for use with your ARC Solo systems.
This will make it easier to identify and sort email received from the ARC Solo systems, and to monitor
email activity. To configure the ARC Solo system for use with the cloud service, select
Cloud Service
as indicated below.
Email server
Email server IP address. Obtain from
your network administrator. If using the
Burk Email Cloud Service, enter an
SMTP server such as smtp.gmail.com.
Email port
The port number to use for the email
server. By default this is port 587.
Emails originating from the ARC Solo
must have a From address.
Reply To
Any undeliverable notifications will be
sent to the Reply To address.
SMTP server requires
Check this box if your email server
requires authentication or if you are
using the Burk Email Cloud Service.
Enter your email username and
SMTP protocol
Choose plain text, SMTP over SSL or
STARTTLS email format, or select Cloud
Cloud Server
Accept the default Cloud Server,
Cloud Port
Accept the default Cloud Port, 4095.
Manage email lists and addresses.
List name
Enter a title to be displayed for each
email listing.
Email addresses
Enter one or more email addresses.
Separate each email address with a
semicolon (;).
Test each list to confirm it works
System>Email Lists