Lay the pump on the ground a foot or two from the well head with the discharge end pointing
away from the well. Connect the power cables to the motor lead using the heat shrink kit.
Review the instruction on the previous page. If you have purchased a Sub-Pac, the wire and
splicing kit will be attached to the motor pigtail.
Your submersible pump is equipped with a check valve installed in the discharge opening of
the pump. With teflon tape, wrap the threads on a 1’’ male adaptor or on a 1 1/4’’ - 1’’ reducing
male adaptor and with your pipe wrench, install adaptor into opening of the pump discharge.
Do not over tighten-snug-up until slightly hard to turn. (Brass adaptors are recommended for
long life. Electrolysis will damage galvanised adaptors).
Locate your 1’’ Plastic Poly Pipe and lay-out on the ground to the desired length for your
pump setting in the well. Slide two 1’’ stainless steel hose clamps over the end of your plastic
pipe. With your propane torch, heat this end of the plastic pipe. While warm, slide pipe over
adaptor installed in the pump’s discharge. With your screwdriver, securely tighten clamps.
Use electrical tape to tape the tab ends of the clamps.
To prevent the pump from hitting the side of the well casing and well, and to prevent possible
damage to the submersible pump cable when the pump and motor starts in the well, a torque
arrestor (150158) is required. Remove torque arrestor from its carton and disassemble into
two halfs. At 6’’ or so above the pump’s discharge and around the pipe, place each half of the
arrestor and with the clamps provided, install the arrestor. Tighten the bottom clamp securely.
Then, push the top portion of the arrestor towards the middle so that it expands to the size of
inside diameter of your well casing. Securely tighten to the top clamp with your screwdriver.
Tape the tab ends of the clamps with electrical tape. We recommend that you install a torque
arrestor every 35 m (100’) on the well pipe.
Regardless of which method you choose to lead the pump discharge pipe into the home, a
trench should be excavated from the well head to the location where the pipe will enter the
basement wall. The trench should be excavated so that the discharge pipe is install below
the frost level for your area, usually 4-5 feet deep. The typical diagram shown in this manual
does not show this trench for your discharge pipe.
To allow easy access to the pump, install a pitless adaptor. The connection to the system
supply line (discharge pipe from the pump) is made below ground level and below the frost
level for your area. To install the pitless adaptor, the well casing is cut
(see picture 2)
and the
pitless adaptor is lowered into place by using a riser pipe connected to the top of the adaptor.
The riser pipe should be about 4’ long and constructed of 1’’ steel pipe. Before the adaptor is
securely tightened into place on the casing, a 1’’ brass male pipe adaptor should be installed
in the bottom opening on the pitless adaptor and one more adaptor installed in the discharge
connection leading from the pitless adaptor. Use teflon tape on all thread connections and
securely tighten with your pipe wrench.