The device consists of a lower container (1), a removable vessel (3) and an enclosure (9). (See picture
The lower container (1) is an electrolysis container. In the upper part of it two handles are installed. (2)
A removable semi round vessel is built in the container (3), in which parchment partition with two plate
form plastic retainers are set instead of the front wall (4). Partition is fastened in the top with a fixer (5).
On the inner side of the container and the vessel there are two marks: lower (6) indicates minimum and
upper (7) Ä maximum water level.
In the enclosure (9) an electrical scheme is installed that is covered from inside with a plastic cover. In
the cover flat electrodes (8; 19) and round contact (18;) are fixed. Flat electrodes are meant for
production of ionized water and round contact - for connection of silver electrode. On the board (12)
located on the top of the enclosure three LEDs are mounted: the middle, green (14), lights when the
plug of the device (13) is connected to the power supply socket. The external, red (11; 15) ones, light
respectively when ionized or silvered water is produced. As well on the top of the enclosure four
buttons for control of timer and working mode and time indicators are mounted (16). On the other side
of the enclosure there is a cord with a plug. (13) and switch (20).
Parchment partition is fitted between two plastic plate form retainers in such way, that arrows on the
outer sides of the plates are directed downwards. Then partitions with retainers (4) is mounted into
special notches of the removable vessel (3) and fastened with a fixer (5).
During water electrolysis acidic water is generated at the black electrode (8) and alkaline water - at the
light one (19). Partition (4) of the removable vessel (3) doesnÅt allow ionized water to mix.
1. Lower container.
2. Handles of lower container
3.Removable vessel
4.Partition with retainer
6. Mark of lower level of water
7. Mark of upper level of water
8, 19.Electrodes of production of ionized water
9. Enclosure.
10.Handles of enclosure
11. Red indicator J
12. Decorative board
13.Cord with plug
14.Green indicator
15. Red indicator A
16. Control buttons and indicators of working
mode and time
17. Holder with round silver electrode (mod. KL)
18. Contact for connection of silver electrode (mod.
20. Switch