seCtiOn 2:
the update agent
The GT can only receive internet updates through the Update Agent. Therefore, internet
updates must be performed on a PC with a strong internet connection. The Update Agent
is a software program developed by Bully Dog Technologies specifically designed to up-
date Bully Dog products. The Update Agent is easy to use, it can be loaded on any windows
based PC running Windows XP or newer. The Update Agent is attainable free of charge at
the Bully Dog Download Center or by ordering a CD ROM through a Bully Dog distributor.
hOw tO get the update agent
1. To download the Update Agent through our web site visit:
. This address will take you to the Bully Dog download center where a free copy of the Update
Agent can be downloaded.
2. A free copy of the Update agent can also obtained by requesting an Update Agent CD.
3. For assistance with downloading or installing the Update Agent call technical support at: 866-285-