Distributed File System is a set of client and
server services that allow a large enterprise to
organize many distributed SMB file shares into
a distributed file system. DFS provides location
transparency and redundancy to improve
data availability in the face of failure or heavy
load by allowing shares in multiple different
locations to be logically grouped under one
folder, or DFS root.
To configure DFS from the Web Access Tool,
navigate to
Shared Folder/DFS
. Click
DFS. Select whether or not
to allow multiple DFS links on the root. If selected, up to 8 DFS links may be shared on the root.
Enter the DFS root folder name and click
DFS Links
, click
Add Link
. Enter the destination hostname and the destination folder. Enter a
name for the link if multiple links are being used. Click
Note: Before configuring DFS, make sure that your TeraStation’s firmware is updated to version
1.01 or later.