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Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual Sealed Combustion Gas Boiler Logano GA244 • Issue 02/2004
Buderus Heiztechnik GmbH •
Checking S 8600 module
Check continuity of L and N wiring on 120 V terminal.
Check continuity ignition cable and ground wire.
Check position of ignition cable plug on ignition sensor ceramic
Check flame rod.
Check electrical connections between flame rod and module.
Check for cracked ceramic flame rod insulator.
Check that pilot flame covers flame rod and is steady and blue.
Adjust pilot flame.
If problem persists, replace module.
Checking gas valve and S 8600 module.
Check for 24 V across MV-MV/PV terminals, closed ciruit on module.
If no voltage, replace module.
Check electrical connections between module and gas control.
If okay, replace gas control.
Checking S8600H module.
Check continuity ignition cable and ground wire.
Note: If ground is poor or erratic, shutdowns may occur occasionally even
though operation is normal at the time of checkout.
Check that pilot flame covers flame rod and is steady and blue.
If checks are okay, replace module.
Checking gas valve and S 8600 module.
Check for proper thermostat (controller) operation.
Remove MV lead at module.
If valve closes, recheck temperature controller and wiring, replace module
If valve does not close, replace gas control.
Troubleshooting ends
Repeat procedure until troublefree operation is obtained.
Sparks stops when pilot is lit.
Main burner lights.
Systems run until call for heat
Call for heat ends, system shuts