Locking Ring Removal
Ensure the area around the locking ring and lens are clean and free from any grit or other debris.
Attention should be given to ensuring the exposed threads are clean as any debris could
damage the threads; making it impossible to achieve a watertight seal during reassembly.
Place the BathyCorrometer
on a firm surface and locate the locking ring removal tool’s three
locating pins in to the holes on the locking ring.
Using a suitable spanner or wrench and socket, unscrew and remove the locking ring by turning
it counter-clockwise. Some assistance to hold the BathyCorrometer
is advised whilst the locking
ring is removed as considerable force may be required.
If any of the watertight seals are disturbed, successful pressure testing to 600psi is required before the BathyCorrometer
Pro’ can be used to take CP readings.
Do not open the BathyCorrometer
Pro’ unless adequate facilities to pressure test the unit are available.
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