background image



Dati tecnici


Technical data


Données techniques


Technische Daten


Datos técnicos


Technische specificaties


Dados técnicos


Τεχνικά δεδομένα


Технические данные


Technické údaje

ةينفلا تانايبلا •

• Avvertenze e diritti del consumatore

Leggere attentamente prima dell’uso e conservare per un riferimento futuro

Divieto di utilizzo di pulitori liquidi o aerosol

Divieto di occludere le aperture di ventilazione

Diveto di modificare i dispositivi

Divieto di rimuovere parti di protezione dai dispositivi

Divieto di installare le unità in prossimità di liquidi e polveri

Divieto di installare le unità in prossimità di fonti di calore

Divieto di installare le unità in prossimità di gas nocivi, polveri metalliche o simili

Togliere l’alimentazione prima di ogni intervento sull’impianto

Attenzione: le operazioni di installazione, configurazione, messa in servizio e ma-

nutenzione devono essere effettuate esclusivamente da personale qualificato. 

Assicurarsi che l’installazione a parete sia effettuata correttamente

Effettuare la posa dei cavi rispettando le normative vigenti

Collegare i cavi di alimentazione secondo le indicazioni

Per eventuali espansioni di impianto utilizzare solo gli articoli indicati nelle 

specifiche tecniche

Warnings and consumer rights

Read carefully before use and keep for future reference

Using liquid cleaners or aerosols is forbidden

Blocking the ventilation openings is forbidden

Modifying the devices is forbidden

Removing protective parts from the devices is forbidden

Installing the units near liquids and powders is forbidden

Installing the units near heat sources is forbidden

Installing the units near harmful gases, metal dusts or similar is forbidden

Switch the power supply OFF before any work on the system

Caution: Installation, configuration, starting-up and maintenance must be 

performed exclusively by qualified personnel.

Check that the wall installation has been carried out correctly

Lay out the wires respecting the standards in force

Connect the power supply wires as indicated

Use only the items indicated in the technical specifications for any system 


•  Configurazione

•  Configuration

•  Configuration

•  Konfiguration

•  Configuración

•  Configuratie

•  Configuração

•  Διαμόρφωση

•  Конфигурация

•  Konfigürasyon



•  Per la configurazione ed installazione del dispositivo e qualsiasi altra informazione 

fare riferimento alla documentazione scaricabile dal sito.

•  For device configuration and installation and for any other information, refer to the 

documentation that can be downloaded from the website.

•  Pour la configuration et l’installation du dispositif et pour toute autre information, 

faire référence à la documentation téléchargeable en se rendant sur le site.

•  Für die Konfiguration und Installation des Geräts und alle anderen Informationen 

siehe die von der Website herunterladbare Dokumentation.

•  Para la configuración e instalación del dispositivo y para cualquier otra información, 

consultar la documentación que puede descargarse en el sitio.

•  Raadpleeg de documentatie die van de website gedownload kan worden voor de 

configuratie en installatie van het apparaat.

•  Para a configuração e a instalação do dispositivo e qualquer outra informação 

consultar a documentação que pode ser descarregada do site.

•  Για την διαμόρφωση και την την εγκατάσταση του συστήματος και οποιαδήποτε άλλη 

πληροφορία ανατρέξτε στα έγγραφα που μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε από την ιστοσελίδα.

•  Для конфигурирования и установки устройства и для получения любой другой 

информации обращаться к документации, которую можно скачать на сайте.

•  Cihazın konfigürasyonu ve kurulumu ile diğer bilgiler için siteden indirilebilecek 

dokümanlara bakınız.

ىلإ عوجرلا ىَجرُي ،ىرخأ تامولعم يلأو زاهجلا بيكرتو ةئيهتل •

.عقوملا نم اهليزنت نكمي يتلا قئاثولا


18 - 27 Vdc

Absorption en stand-by

5 mA

Absorption maximum

50 mA max

Section maximum des câbles pour chaque borne

2 x 1 mm


Température de fonctionnement

5 – 40 °C

Power supply

18 - 27 Vdc

Stand by absorption

8.5 mA

Max. absorption

50 mA max

Maximum cable section for each clamp

2 x 1 mm


Operating temperature

5 – 40 °C


18 - 27 Vdc

Stromaufnahme im Standby

5 mA

Maximale Stromaufnahme

50 mA max

Maximaler Kabelschnitt pro Klemme

2 x 1 mm



5 – 40 °C


18 - 27 Vdc

Consumo en standby

5 mA

Consumo máximo

50 mA máx

Máxima sección de los cables para cada borne

2 x 1 mm


Temperatura de funcionamiento

5 – 40 °C


18 - 27 Vdc

Απορρόφηση σε κατάσταση αναμονής

5 mA

Μέγιστη απορρόφηση

50 mA max

Μέγιστη διατομή των καλωδίων για κάθε 


2 x 1 mm


Θερμοκρασία λειτουργίας

5 – 40 °C


18 - 27 Vdc

Opname in stand-by

5 mA

Maximum opname

50 mA max

Maximumdoorsnede van de kabels voor elke 


2 x 1 mm



5 – 40 °C


18 - 27 В Пост. тока

Потребление в режиме ожидания

5 мА

Максимальное потребление

50 мА макс.

Максимальное сечение кабелей для 

каждой клеммы

2 x 1 мм


Рабочая температура

5 – 40 °C


18 - 27 Vdc

Absorpsiyon beklemede

5 mA

Maksimum absorpsiyon

50 mA maks

Her terminal için maksimum kablo kesiti

2 x 1 mm


Çalışma ısısı

5 – 40 °C


.رشابم رايت تلوف 27 - 18

دادعتسلاا عضو يف كلاهتسلاا

ريبمأ يللم 5

كلاهتسلال لدعم ىصقأ

ىصقأ دحك ريبمأ يللم 50

فرط لكل تلاباكلل عطقم ىصقأ

2مم 1 × 2

ليغشتلا ةرارح ةجرد

ةيوئم ةجرد 40 - 5


18 - 27 Vdc

Assorbimento in stand by

5 mA

Assorbimento massimo

50 mA max

Sezione massima dei cavi per ogni morsetto

2 x 1 mm


Temperature di funzionamento

5 – 40 °C


18 - 27 Vdc

Consumo em modo stand by

5 mA

Absorção máxima

50 mA máx.

Seção dos cabos máxima para cada borne

2 x 1 mm


Temperaturas de funcionamento

5 – 40 °C
