BT UPS Enterprise SNMP Agent
Issued by: BT
Version no: 6.1
Date: March 2019
Page 66 of 103
Main screen is as follows:
Fig.61 NetAgent Telnet window
Set IP Address.
This function allows you to setup IP Address, Gateway Address, Subnet Mask parameters.
Set SNMP MIB System.
This function allows you to set the MIB system group parameters.
Set SNMP Access Control.
This function allows you to set the Manager IP, Community, Access Permission.
Set SNMP Trap Notification.
If you want to use a PC and perform the ‘Trap’ function of SNMP manager to manage UPS
through Net Agent, the IP address of the PC must be added in this list of Net Agent.
Set UPS Properties.
This allows you to setup the Communication Type of UPS, UPS Device Name and Battery
Replacement Date.
Set UPS Devices Connected.
This allows you to setup the System Name, Rating which connected., Connected.
Set System Time & Time Server.
This allows you to setup the System date, time and two time servers.
Set Web and Telnet User Account.
This is allows to set users account’s authority.