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Menu 38. Analog I/O Screen
4. Press the button for Diagnostic Tests. The
Modulation test allows you to change the
rate at which the burner fires, and watch
the results. See Menu 39
Menu 39. Modulation Test
5. Press the Pump Test button. The Pump
test shows detailed information about the
three pumps that may be used by the
Menu 40. Pump Test
12.4 Lead/Lag Slave Diagnostics
The control system includes a diagnostic screen
that lists some information on the Lead/Lag
slaves in the system. See Menu 41
Menu 41. Lead/Lag Diagnostics
Use the left- and right-arrows to see all of the
columns in the display.
12.5 Statistics
The controller can present some summary
information about the operation of the system
– number of pump cycles, number of burner
cycles, etc.
Menu 42.
Statistics Configuration Screen
12.6 Analysis
The control system includes an Analysis branch
that can display the behavior over a period of
time for several different parameters: fan speed,
outlet temperature, inlet temperature, etc.