Connecting the app with the IDA
When you start up the IDA for the first time, you enter automatically the
menu to register your IDA app or home automation application. You need
an account based on your email address for the connection. During
normal operation of the IDA you can decide to connect or reconnect the
app with the IDA at a later moment.
1. Open the IDA app and create an account in the settings menu.
If you create a new account, you will receive an email message for
2. Read the email message.
Check your spam folder if the email does not appear in your inbox.
3. Confirm your account on the website.
4. Enter the main menu of the IDA.
5. Select Settings.
6. Select Register device or service.
The IDA displays a registration code and QR code.
7. Enter the registration code in the app or scan the QR code with your
mobile device.
8. Complete the registration process.
Connecting your home automation application with the
When you start up the IDA for the first time, you enter automatically the
menu to register your app or home automation application. If your home
automation application can communicate with the IFTTT protocol, you can
connect it with the IDA. You need an account based on your email
address for the connection. During normal operation of the IDA you can
decide to connect or reconnect the home automation application with the
IDA at a later moment.
1. Open the home automation application and create an account for the
2. Read the email message.
Check your spam folder if the email does not appear in your inbox.
3. Confirm your account on the website of the manufacturer of the IDA.
4. Enter the main menu of the IDA.
5. Select Settings.
6. Select Register device or service.
The IDA displays a registration code and a QR-code.
7. Enter the registration code in the home automation application or scan
the QR-code with your mobile device.
8. Complete the registration process.
Registering installer access
If you want your installer to make any changes, you can allow the installer
to log in to your device.
1. Enter the main menu.
2. Select Settings.
3. Select the submenu Register installer access.
4. Confirm the installer access.
This gives your installer access for up to 72 hours.
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4 Customisation
7726708 - v.01 - 18012019