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Wedge the tip of a flat-blade screwdriver between the
lip of the toner hopper opening and the toner hopper
plug. Then pry the plug up and out (Figure 8-8).
: TN starter plug will look different but the
removal process is the same.
Step 9: Remove the remaining Brother toner
Prior to adding “fresh” toner, we must remove the
residual “old” toner.
On the first refill of your Brother toner cartridge, the
new toner should not be combined with whatever
quantity of Brother toner remains in the hopper.
Failure to remove the remaining Brother toner will
result in splotching, smudging, hazing and other
print defects.
Note: This step does not need to be performed on
subsequent refills when fresh ReChargX™ toner
is being added to existing ReChargX™ toner.
Insert the toner hopper opening end of the cartridge
into the plastic zip-top bag which is included in the
RX417XX toner refill kit (Figure 9-1).
Carefully pour out as much of the residual toner as
possible (tapping along the side of the cartridge helps
to keep the toner flowing) (Figure 9-2).
If the toner stops flowing, stand the cartridge upright
(with the toner hopper fill hole facing up) and then put
the end of the cartridge back into the bag and
continue the emptying process.
With the majority of the toner removed, remove the
cartridge from the bag. Seal the bag and discard it.
Figure 8-8:
Removing the toner hopper plug
Figure 9-1:
Inserting cartridge into zip-top bag
Figure 9-2:
Dumping out the remaining Brother toner