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Step 4: Prepare the cartridge for refilling
Position the cartridge on your work surface so the
handle (A) is facing toward you and the developer
roller (B) is facing away from you (Figure 4).
Step 5: Protect the developer roller
The developer roller (B) along the back of the
cartridge is critical to the image production process
and can be damaged even by a fingerprint.
To protect the roller during refilling we will cover it
with a sheet of paper.
Start with a piece of paper in “portrait” orientation,
then fold the 8.5” X 11” sheet in half (folding the
top edge over to meet the bottom edge) leaving an
8.5” X 5.5” sheet.
With the cartridge face up tape one of the long 8.5”
edges to the top of the cartridge (Figure 5-1).
Carefully fold the paper over the developer roller
(again, being careful not to touch the developer roller
with your fingers) and tape the other edge of the
paper to the bottom of the cartridge (Figure 5-2).
Figure 4:
Cartridge separated from the drum unit
Figure 5-1:
Protecting the developer roller (cartridge top)
Figure 5-2:
Protecting the developer roller (cartridge bottom)