Brotech Electronics Mini Midi Se and Mega Midi Sequencer User Manual 2017-08-13
The mMS+/MMS hardware can play in a very limited way autonomously without the tablet. Simply power on the
mMS+/MMS, and using the
Play Mode
selector control select either of
Auto Sequential Play
Auto Random Play
The mMS+/MMS hardware immediately begins playing all songs in the current directory in the selected mode. It
will play continuously until the selection is reset to Remote and the song ends. For sequential autoplay, the
mMS+/MMS sequences through all of the midi files, and when finished starts over again. If there is an interval
delay set, the play can be aborted before starting by turning the selection knob to remote.
MMS (only) Song Interval Control
Set this control when the MMS is not playing a song to any value 0 thru 60 seconds, and it will insert silence
between automatically playing songs. The interval is checked each time before a song begins to play. A countdown
timer is displayed on the tablet and MMS LCD screen to alert when the next song is about to begin. As it’s counting
down, the user can quickly turn the knob counter-clockwise to terminate the delay early and begin playing. This is
not a precise control, and so there are no time markings indicated.
mMS+ Song Interval Control
On the mMS App home screen, when no song is playing the two skeleton buttons are labeled
and are used to adjust the in-between song interval time – the silence between songs during auto play. The range
is 0 thru 60 seconds. Tap the DLY UP key to increase the delay, and DLY DN to decrease it, in 1 second increments.
The change is briefly indicated on App selection bar. The change is not permanent and will reset to default delay
anytime the mMS hardware is reset. The default delay can be set by editing the configuration file item, PlayDelay.
Playlist – Playing Songs in a Playlist, and Creating a playlist
Playing Songs in a Playlist
The mMS+/MMS can play songs in a playlist that the user can create. From the scrolling list select an existing
playlist and tap on it, and it is copied to the yellow selection bar. Tap on the bar and the playlist opens and a new
scrolling list appears showing all of the files in the playlist. In addition, the lower right directory field now shows
the playlist filename as the selected directory,
. The new scrolling list shows the
playlist songs listed in order as they appear in the playlist – the list is not sorted.
At the beginning of the midi file list in the scrolling list is the playlist name prefixed with
. Tapping
on this will copy it to the selection bar. If the selection bar is tapped the mMS+/MMS will play through all songs
in the list one time, and in the order that they appear in the list. It stops playing at the end of the last song. If one
instead selects Play Sequential Continuous, then the list is played from beginning to end, and then loops back
again to the beginning and keeps playing. If one selects Play Random Continuous, then all songs in the list are
played in random order until the STOP button is pressed.
Creating a Playlist
A playlist can be created using the MMS tablet and our
MMS Playlist Editor
App, or by using a personal computer.
These instructions are for using a personal computer. The MMS Playlist Editor App has its own instructions.
The playlist can be written using any text editor such as Notepad, but whatever program is used it must be a basic
text editing program without formatting. The playlist is stored on the local SD memory card in any directory
including the {/Root} directory. Create a list using a personal computer, and save it to any directory on the SD
memory card. Then restart the mMS+/MMS hardware, link the tablet and the list may be opened and played.
Each line in a playlist can contain 1 complete midi song name, and end with a standard carriage return. There can
be no other alphanumeric characters on the same line as a song name. Each song name must be complete including
“.mid”, and including THE DIRECTORY LOCATION on the SD memory card. If a song name is inaccurate, or