Brotech Electronics Mini Midi Se and Mega Midi Sequencer User Manual 2017-08-13
The standard Bluetooth RF range is at least 10M, or 30 feet. When changing directories or when first powering
on a lot of information needs to be sent from the mMS+/MMS hardware to the tablet. The tablet must be in range
and the signal communication strong for this to work reliably. So at an extreme range, or in an electrically noisy
environment, there may be some interference that would prevent the smooth communication between mMS+/MMS
and tablet. The user is encouraged to be within clear site range of the mMS+/MMS custom hardware when first
running the App or when changing directories.
When connecting the tablet to Bluetooth, MEGAMIDI or M should appear as one of the recognized
devices. If the tablet has in some way been reset or Bluetooth devices has somehow been lost, go to the wireless
configuration screen on the tablet, and search for new Bluetooth devices. With the MMS on, it should find device
MEGAMIDI, or M for the mMS+. Select this device and it will ask for a pass key – the key is located on
the serial tag of the mMS+/MMS.
MMS LCD Display Status Messages
The MMS display is configured 4 rows by 20 characters. At various times it displays current directory, current
selected song name, current song number, complete text status messages and acronym status messages. The
acronyms are described as follows;
SP: = Sequential Play – MMS is currently in Sequential Play mode
RP: = Random Play – MMS is currently in Random Play mode
P: = Playing – MMS is in Tablet Remote play mode
!NF = File not found – The MMS cannot located the file - file is Not Found. This error message may be accompanied
by an error tone.
CD: = change directory The current directory being processed
!D: = open directory fail – The MMS cannot find or open the named directory. This error message may be
accompanied by an error tone.
DIR = Current Directory – The currently selected directory is displayed locally as well as on the tablet. For local
LCD display, the displayed directory occupies 1 line, and will be truncated >16 characters. Longer directory names
can be used but only the first 16 characters will be displayed.
Midi file filename – The currently playing or selected midi file is shown on the last 3 rows of the display. The
filename will be truncated at >57 characters. Longer filenames can be used but only the first 57 characters will be
BPM – Beats per minute of the currently playing song (visible when using tablet BPM UP/DN keys)
Delay – Between song silence during autoplay (visible when not playing a song)
mMS+ System Status Messages
System status messages will either briefly appear on the selection bar, or in a disappearing balloon window.
Maximum midi filename length = 88 characters (will ignore longer named files)
Maximum directory filename length = 88 characters (will ignore longer named directories)
Maximum number songs in any single directory = 1500 (will ignore files over 1500)
Midi type song = will only play midi type 0 songs
SD memory = SDHC, maximum 32G, speed class at least 4 (as tested)
A/C adapter = 9VDC/1A, center positive, 2.1 x 5.5mm barrel plug