Brotech Electronics Mini Midi Se and Mega Midi Sequencer User Manual 2017-08-13
Soft-Keys Sequential Continuous Play and Random Continuous Play
Besides selecting and playing individual songs, one can press the tablet soft keys
. When tapped the playing mode will be indicated with bright
green text, and the mMS+/MMS hardware will continuously play all files in the current directory until the
button is pressed. The song name of each new song that is playing is displayed on the tablet on the Selection Bar.
Before each song plays, if a delay is set a countdown to next song play will be indicated.
Play Continuous Random – the currently playing song is displayed
on the
Selection Bar
Tempo Change using Soft-Keys BPM UP and BPM DN
When any song is playing, the user can press the BPM UP or BPM DN soft keys on the tablet to change the song
tempo up or down (faster or slower). Each soft-key press is a change of 1 BPM, plus or minus, and is briefly display
on the selection bar. The tempo change is not permanent and only affects the currently playing song. If a tempo
change has been made and the song is stopped and started again, the original tempo is used.
Auto Play and Tablet Sleep Mode
When the mMS+/MMS hardware is set by the tablet into any of the playing modes; play a song,
Sequential Continuous
auto play, the tablet can be put into sleep state to conserve battery power and the
mMS+/MMS hardware will continue playing uninterrupted in the current play mode.
During sleep there is no active communication between the tablet and the hardware. Upon wakening the tablet,
the Bluetooth automatically reestablishes connection without user intervention. It takes a few seconds to completely
wake-up and reconnect and the user must wait until status message
Bluetooth Connected Successfully
, before
pressing any of the soft keys.
Also, it may take one song cycle (one song finish playing, and then the next song) to see the currently playing
song refreshed on the tablet selection bar.
Tablet waking and automatically reconnecting
mMS+/MMS Stand-Alone Operation – without Tablet