Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 33
Manual No. M02-33E209
Bit 2 is set in response to an R command (request for information) only.
If an input is received that is outside the allowable limits for a command, Bit
3 shall be set for the response to that command only. Once the response to
the command has been sent to the host, Bit 3 shall be cleared again.
This bit is set in response to a calibration command if an error occurred in the
respective operation
Table 2
1. The CAP 2000+ has been turned on with the proper cable inserted in the serial port placing
the unit in its external mode.
2. The host computer sends an I. The CAP 2000+ responds with an ICAPHI2201000000,
indicating a high temperature CAP 2000+ with Version 2.20 firmware, spring constant of
1.00, and a status byte of 0.
3. The host sends a T190. The CAP 2000+ begins controlling to 40.0°C and responds with
4. The host sends V1F4. The CAP 2000+ ramps to 500 rpm and responds with V02 indicating
the motor is running.
5. The host sends a T9C4. The request to control temperature to 250.0°C is illegal. The CAP
2000+ responds with T0A indicating a temperature request outside the limits of the instru-
6. The host sends an R. The CAP 2000+ responds with R002B1115950A25A83E80102 indi-
cating a viscosity reading of 11.025 Poise, a FSR reading of 55.25%, a shear rate of 6650
1/sec, a sensed temperature of 100.0°C, and a number one cone. Note that Bit 3 of the
status byte has been cleared. It is set only in response to the offending command (T9C4)
and is cleared as soon as the response is issued.