Please read all of the instructions and look at the pictures before installing the mount.
This mount can also be placed further left, then insert the upper edge of the mount to the left of the divider in the
airvent on top of the dashboard.
1. Carefully, pull the parts of the mount apart until the mount reaches maximum length. Insert the thin end of the
enclosed gap opener into the front gap of the airvent, on top of the dashboard, to widen the gap. Insert the
angled upper edge of the ProClip into the gap next to the gap opener. Remove the gap opener.
2 Hook the angled lower edge of the ProClip around the dashboard ledge. Press the parts of the mount together
until the mount reaches minimum length and hooks into place properly.
3. Tighten the nut on the top of the mount so the parts are pulled together so the mount is firmly in place. Tighten
the Allen screw with the enclosed key in order to fixate the position.
4. The mount is in place.