Brocade FastIron GS and FastIron GS-STK Hardware Installation Guide
Upgrading Software
Your memory and stacking EEPROM hardware upgrade is now complete. Go to the next section
which has procedures for upgrading your software.
Refer to
“Installing FastIron GS-STK stackable devices”
for information on how to cable
your devices for stacking, and the
FastIron Configuration Guide
for information about how to
operate your device in an IronStack.
Upgrading Software
After you install your EEPROM and memory upgrade components, you will need to upgrade your
software to version 07.0.01. Use the following procedures to upgrade the software.
If you are running software versions earlier than 04.2.00 (for example, 04.1.00, 04.1.01...), you
must first upgrade to release 04.2.00 or later (e.g., 04.3.01) non-stacking software before
upgrading to 07.0.01. Software releases that are numbered 04.x.xx and lower are non-stacking
releases. Software release that are numbered 05.x.xx and higher are stacking releases.
FGS-STK devices do not support DHCP snooping in release 07.0.01.
Upgrading the Boot Code
1. Place the new boot code on a TFTP server to which the Brocade device has access.
2. Enter the following command at the Privileged EXEC level of the CLI (example: FGS648
Switch#) to copy the boot code from the TFTP server into flash memory:
copy tftp flash <ip-addr> <image-file-name> bootrom
3. Verify that the code has been successfully copied by entering the following command at any
level of the CLI:
show flash
The output will display the compressed boot ROM code size and the boot code version.
4. Upgrade the flash code as instructed in the following section.
Upgrading the Flash Code
1. Place the new flash code on a TFTP server to which the Brocade device has access.
2. Enter the following command at the Privileged EXEC level of the CLI (example: FastIron
) to
copy the flash code from the TFTP server into the flash memory:
copy tftp flash <ip-addr> <image-file-name> primary | secondary
3. Verify that the flash code has been successfully copied using the following command at any
level of the CLI:
show flash
4. If the flash code version is correct, go to
5. Reload the software by entering one of the following commands: