Activating and Using Your Voicemail App
The OfficeSuite® Mobile Voicemail App is included in your OfficeSuite Simplicity™ purchase.
The Voicemail App allows access to your OfficeSuite® voicemail messages on your mobile
device and displays a list of all messages in your voicemail box indicating the time, caller and
status. The App allows you to listen to your messages including touch-controlled fast forward
and rewind. It also allows callback, forwarding and general integration with the contacts
on your smartphone. The App is integrated with the Message Waiting Indicator on your
OfficeSuite® desk phone so listening to a message in the App marks it as “listened to“ and the
message waiting light on your OfficeSuite® phone will go out.
To Activate your free The OfficeSuite® Mobile Voicemail App, view the simple instructions that
can be found in the Help section of the website.
Troubleshooting and Getting Help
The OfficeSuite Simplicity™ website offers a comprehensive help section with complete
guides and instructions, FAQ’s and helpful videos. To access the help section visit:
and click the Help tab within the Simplicity website.
You can test the speed of your internet with the Connectivity Test widget on the Simplicity
website at
Then use the Connectivity Test widget. The
speed required for optimum performance is 88kbps for each call.