Setting Up Your System
Setting Up How Calls Come Into Your System
All incoming phone calls are sent to a specific phone number on the system. Calls can be sent
to individual phones, to a digital receptionist, or to a call group. The first step is to make sure
your phones and phone numbers are setup properly.
Assigning Phones to Your Extensions
OfficeSuite Simplicity is so flexible that any
phone can be assigned to any extension. To
assign or change phones and extensions, login
to the OfficeSuite Simplicity™ website at
. Click the Phone
System tab and choose Edit Phone System.
A single phone can be assigned an extension
(dedicated) or multiple phones can be assigned
to the same extension (shared). All phones
with the same extension will ring when the
extension is called. As long as a line is available,
even if a shared extension is in use, other
phones with the same extension can continue
to make and receive calls.