AD21 GB Issue 03
11 Periodic Incubation Cooling
Bird breeders have known for many decades that eggs can be cooled for limited periods of time during incubation
without causing problems but recent research has shown that hatch rates can increase significantly as a result of cooling.
This research was carried out with poultry but it is generally accepted that the benefits can apply to waterfowl too.
Cooling is an entirely natural process as most birds will get off the nest at least once a day and leave the eggs unheated
for a significant time. From Brinsea’s 35 year experience, the best hatch rates are always achieved when the incubator
can best mimic the natural nest conditions.
The precise details of which days and what cooling period each day should be used for best effect are not known but
Brinsea have assessed the available research and recommend the following daily cooling periods from day 7 through to
2 days before they are due to hatch (the same point that automatic turning would normally be stopped).
Smaller poultry, waterfowl and game bird eggs:
2 hours each day
Larger species eggs (e.g. duck and goose):
3 hours each day
Cooling is not recommended for parrots and birds of prey because the results of cooling haven’t yet been established.
For further details please visit the Brinsea website at
The periodic cooling feature turns the incubator’s heater and low temperature alarm off for a selectable period
but keeps the fan running. After the cooling period is complete the incubator reverts to normal temperature and
the alarm is automatically reset.
SETTING THE COOLING PERIOD. The cooling function is optional and may be adjusted.
Press the - and + buttons simultaneously to unlock the Main Menu.
Press + to scroll to the cooling option.
Press OK to select the cooling screen.
Use the + and – buttons to select OFF, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 or 360 minutes cooling.
Press OK to accept the figure and then scroll to SAVE and press OK to save the changes.
Each cooling period starts at the same time each day (24 hours between start times). The first cooling period will
start after the incubator has been switched on for 24 hours. If there is a power interruption the 24 hour delay
starts again.
During the cooling period the heater asterisk goes off and an arrow “↓” is displayed. When the cooling period
ends the asterisk is shown and the incubator warms to incubation temperature. The time taken to return to
incubation temperature depends on the room temperature and may take 30 or more minutes.
12 Hatching
If hatching in the Octagon 20 Advance or Octagon 40 Advance unplug the Autoturn cradle, remove the
incubator from the cradle, place on the work surface in the upright position and remove the egg dividers two
days before the hatch is due.
For maximum setting capacity, cleanliness, flexibility and performance a separate hatcher may be used. A
second Brinsea Octagon 20/40 incubator is recommended. Contact your dealer for details.
Eggs nearing hatch are slightly less sensitive to temperature variation and the hatching temperature can be
reduced by up to 1°C (2°F) but this is not essential.
Hatching humidity levels need to be high (see section 8 above) but note that the ventilation control must be at
least 1/3rd open during hatching.
When most eggs have hatched (12 to 48 hours) remove the hatchlings to a brooder. The Brinsea EcoGlow is
ideal for poultry and waterfowl etc. The Brinsea TLC-40 or TLC-50 Brooder is recommended for exotics.
During hatching the high humidity levels will fall dramatically when the lid is lifted and will take some time to
build up. Resist the temptation to open the incubator frequently – leave for at least 6 hours between inspections.