Adjust the RF POWER parameter
Make sure the TX output is connected to a 50 ohm load.
Rotate the SELECT knob to the RF
POWER parameter in the alignment menu. Press-and-release the SELECT knob to engage the RF
power amp. Using the service monitor, observe the output power level. Rotate the SELECT knob
until the desired RF power is achieved. Press-and-release the SELECT knob to store the value.
The unit will cease transmitting.
Adjust the TX SUB DEV parameter
Rotate the SELECT knob to the TX SUB DEV parameter in the alignment menu. Using the service
monitor programmed to receive on the TX frequency, press-and-release the SELECT knob. A
100Hz tone will be transmitted. Adjust the deviation to the correct level by rotating the SELECT
knob. To store the level, press-and-release the SELECT knob. The unit will cease transmitting.
Adjust the TX VOICE DEV parameter
Put the repeater in repeater mode. Use a service monitor in duplex mode. Program the service
monitor to transmit on the unit’s RX frequency and receive on the unit’s TX frequency. Inject a 1
kHz tone at rated deviation along with the channel’s programmed sub-audible tone or code. Once
the repeater has decoded the sub-audible and the transmitter is engaged, press-and-hold the
repeater button to put the unit in alignment mode. Rotate the SELECT knob to the TX VOICE DEV
parameter. Press-and-release the SELECT knob. Rotate the SELECT knob until the correct
deviation is achieved. Once the desired level is achieved, press-and-release the SELECT knob. It
is recommended you test the settings by using a hand portable or mobile to communicate through
the repeater. If necessary, repeat the above steps to achieve the best performance.
Adjust the TX-FREQ parameter
Select TX FREQ in the alignment menu. With the receiver quiet, place the service monitor on the
transmit frequency. Adjust the TCXO voltage by pressing the up and down buttons to the point
where the transmitter is on frequency as close as possible.
The sub-audible/broadband
input from the accessory connector has direct connection to the TCXO. Adjusting
on the
accessory board will adjust the TX FREQ also.
7) Exit
Pressing-and-holding the RPTR button for approximately two second will exit the alignment mode
and restore the BCR Repeater to repeater mode. The new settings should be tested to the
satisfaction of the system operator.