pic. 4 - brake
1.Before starting work check the electrical wiring isn't damaged in any way.
2. Insert the 40A fuse.
3.Grasp handles of Mobarrow and lift.
Turn the handle to the left and Mobarrow will move ahead, picture n. 2
4.When you rotate the handle to the right it connects the electronic brake.
5. After finishing work don't forget to remove the 40 amp fuse.
Repairing travelling wheel
During a tyre or tread change, proceed as follows:
Turn Mobarrow onto its side.
Loosen 2 screws (10 pieces) holding the wheel to the frame.
Pull out cables leading from motor to frame then terminal board (pic.n.5).
pic. 5 - cabling
Remove protective insulation from terminal board. Inscribed terminal board +.
Disconnect cables so the wheel becomes uncharged.
Loosen the 5 screws holding the wheel position 13 simply change the box (middle
of three neighbouring screws).
Move travelling wheel from position 12 cover of motor.
Remove the remaining 10 screws holding the disc which should break into two and come
away near the tube.
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